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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 双语:萌萌哒创意戚风蛋糕,你还舍得下嘴吗?


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2017-11-08


From cute cats to cuddly bears, these adorable creations would not look out of place on a toy shop shelf.


But these charming characters are not the latest must-have children's play things - they are actually delicious - and incredibly realistic - party cakes.


Stay-at-home mother Susanne Ng, 37, from Singapore, delights family, friends and more than 23,000 Instagram followers with her creative chiffon cakes, which take the shape of animals, fruit, and cartoon characters.


Not only are the colorful designs eye-catching, they are also healthier than traditional bakes.


Speaking to FEMAIL, she said: 'They are lower in sugar, being only around a quarter of the sugar content of normal cakes, and contain no butter.


'They are also fluffy and easy for kids and the elderly to eat.'


A chiffon cake is made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder and flavorings.


Its fluffy texture is created by folding beaten egg whites into the batter before baking.


Dr Ng, who has a PhD in biomedical engineering, quit her high-flying job to be a stay-at-home mother to her children, aged eight, five and three, a few years ago.


She started baking as a hobby and later decided to challenge herself with more ambitious designs.


She is now the author of two best-selling cookbooks.


Susanne said: 'I started baking for my kids' play dates around three-and-a-half years ago, then started baking more chiffon cakes when I realized they were so much healthier.


'One day, I had the inspiration to pattern chiffon cakes and make them into cute things. My kids and their friends loved them and so that’s how I started.


'I feel the need for an outlet for my creative ideas, hence find great joy in making new creations with chiffon cakes.'


While she shares her charming bakes on Instagram, Facebook and on her blog, Dr Ng still bakes mainly for loved ones and said her children are her 'best critics'.


She is now working on a third cookbook.






  1. 董教员 岭南师范学院 汉语言文学(师范)
  2. 袁教员 北京化工大学 材料科学与工程
  3. 胡教员 上海大学 金融学
  4. 阿教员 淮北师范大学 汉语言文学(师范)
  5. 王教员 东北林业大学 生物学
  6. 罗教员 中国政法大学 法律翻译
  7. 刘教员 对外经济贸易大学 国际政治
  8. 陈教员 加班大学 法学
  9. 唐教员 北京交通大学 建筑学
  10. 巩教员 中国科学院大学 有机化学/电子信息工程
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